Friday, August 29

R letter e A31 D

Just a little fun with Spell with Flickr. It's amazing how easy this was. Type a word, click on the letter to find one you like, copy and paste the html "stuff". I never would have explored something like this without this project. I can't wait to explore some of the other mashups and flickr tools.

Portrait of a Professional Know-it-all

I love this picture of a Professional Know-it-all! I had played around with flickr and stumbled across a couple pictures that I really like. Today when I was getting ready to post for Thing #5, I decided to hit explore. And this is the first picture that came up. I love it, especially those glasses!

Monday, August 25

7 1/2 Habits

After watching the video 7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners, I realized that some of the habits came easily to me. The habit that I find easiest is accepting responsibility for my own learning. When ever I've had a question about something, I found a way to get to the right answer. Whether it's reading a book, surfing the web or asking an expert. I realized early on that to find answers you have to look for them.

The habit that is hardest for me would have to be teaching others. I believe that difficulty there is my lack of confidence in teaching others. I wonder why they would want me to teach them. I doubt myself, thinking that I don't know enough to help.

Saturday, August 23

Becoming a Professional Know-it-all

I have always had a love of learning. During college, I decided that I would love to be a student forever and learn everything I could. Then I would be a Professional Know-it-all and could go on The Today Show or Oprah and talk about this or that, whatever the hot topic for the day was. But the money ran out and I don't have the athletic ability to merit a scholarship, so off to work I went.

Then one day, while answering a question about the population of Ecuador (13.8 million, in case you were wondering), I realized that I have accomplished my dream. I am a Professional Know-it-all, just on a smaller scale.