Saturday, November 29

The End

Well, I've reached the end of Learn & Play (Woohoo!) and for thing #23 I get to look back on my journey...

I thought this was a great program and learned a lot. I would love to participate in another program like this. I learned so much that I didn't even know I was missing out on. While I already read a few blogs and was aware of some Web 2.0 technology, some of the stuff I found was amazing.

There are a few items that I will continue to use including delicious, twitter, and google reader. Others will fall by the way side, ready to recall when someone asks a question about it. The interaction that Web 2.0 provides is also astounding. On thing #18, I talked about the site saying that I thought that it could provide a little more information about foreclosures. And I got a comment from an employee of about my feedback. How cool!

This programs has also opened my eyes to all the services that the library could provide including online books and programing through youtube or podcasts.

And most importantly this program helped continue my life long goal of becoming as a Professional Know-it-all:)

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